World Bank in partnership with ESWSC LTD

The World Bank works with international institutions to improve the coordination of aid policies and practices in countries, at the regional level and at the global level.

World Bank and ESWSC LTD partnership

Over the years, the World Bank has collaborated with the ESWSC in nearly every region and sector.

The Bank’s engagement with stakeholders has been a source of innovative solutions to country needs and development challenges. These stakeholders include a broad range of actors, such as civil society organizations, parliamentarians, faith based organizations and foundations


The World Bank works with international institutions to improve the coordination of aid policies and practices in countries, at the regional level and at the global level.

Partnerships are more important than ever, as multiple crises worldwide strain the resources of governments and donors, threaten hard-won development gains, and present ever more complex and difficult development challenges. Partnerships—with multilateral institutions, civil society organizations, the private sector, foundations, think tanks, and others—strengthen the impact of the World Bank and the global development community.

Partnerships take many forms, from multistakeholder dialogues for exchanging insights and shaping initiatives to active strategic collaborations for jointly taking on development challenges. Collaboration maximizes our collective impact, mobilizes more resources more quickly, improves efficiencies, and limits aid fragmentation.



The WBG engages stakeholders through a variety of consultations, platforms, and channels. From Headquarters to country offices, the WBG interacts daily with stakeholder groups throughout the world, engaging them for different purposes, such as advocacy, partnering, risk mitigation, policy dialogue, strategy consultation, information sharing, and funding via grant mechanisms.

These stakeholders include a broad range of actors, such as civil society organizations, faith-based organizations, parliamentarians, and the private sector. 

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The WBG engages stakeholders through a variety of consultations, platforms, and channels. From Headquarters to country offices, the WBG interacts daily with stakeholder groups throughout the world, engaging them for different purposes, such as advocacy, partnering, risk mitigation, policy dialogue, strategy consultation, information sharing, and funding via grant mechanisms. These stakeholders include a broad range of actors, such as civil society organizations, faith-based organizations, parliamentarians, and the private sector. 

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